WJCC Voice

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Drones Aren’t for Fun Anymore

An article in the Daily Press today describes the scene in Jerusalem, one of drones gliding "up toward a high-rise until it reaches an apartment window where a woman waves from inside, proving to police that she is self-isolating after testing positive for the coronavirus. Israel has also approved the use of phone-spying technology that was previously used against Palestinian militants.”

How would you feel if that technology came to your front door? Do you want local authorities spying on you, making sure you are in compliance with their Executive Orders? Is that the America we know and love? Well it’s not mine. And if you love this country, it shouldn’t be yours.

Historical scholars point to the reasons why our founding and history are so important to the world. A quick online search can outline the miracles that saved our civilization. But once you start to erode freedom in pursuit of the perfect civilization, you are destined to fail. Once a freedom is taken, it is rarely given back. Just keep that in mind the next time you hear one of your elected officials telling you “We’re only trying to help you,” those can be the most frightening words any American citizen can hear from its government.

Today’s issue of the Daily Press also had interviews with people who had already received their stimulus checks due to the Coronavirus shutdown. One person said they are using it to pay off student debt. Another said they would use it to pay off a credit card. A third said they would use it to pay off the loan on their car. None of them said this money was crucial to staying in their homes or feeding their families. Many who have no income at all during this shutdown NEED their money for essentials like food and shelter.


Unless you push back on requirements to shelter in place and not work for your family to have a home and to be fed, you are part of the erosion. Remember, PEOPLE, are making decisions for you. Elected officials are not kings, they don’t have special powers. They are just people. Remind them you have rights as an American citizen to support your family.


Email Governor Northam and your locally elected officials to the Virginia and Federal House of Delegates and Senate. Be part of a local protest or organize one yourself.

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WJCC Voice covers Williamsburg, James City County and York County in Virginia.