WJCC Voice

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“Don’t read the label! Just eat it!”

Imagine you’re in a grocery store and you stop to read the label of something you are considering purchasing. As you are reading, a woman comes up behind you and yells “Don’t read the label! Just eat it!” Wouldn’t you think she is a crazy person and move along as quickly as possible?

Now imagine you are a healthy person. You’ve kept your BMI at 22 or below, you exercise, you eat healthy, get enough sleep, and don’t smoke or drink alcohol. And instead of the crazy woman, your government is telling you “Don’t read the label! Just get injected!” Wouldn’t you also think them crazy and try to move along as quickly as possible?

And here lies the problem. Anyone who has been using a wait and see approach to this mass vaccination effort has been labeled a crazy, selfish, a-hole by the same people who represent the woman in the grocery store. You know, the one who eats twinkles, takes five meds for hypertension and diabetes, sits on her couch binging Netflix and drinks a bottle of wine each week. She’s the same one who refuses to put down the fork and pick up a weight.

And before you say “Well, me eating poorly doesn’t affect you”. Let me just say for the record, you are wrong. You eating poorly makes my insurance premiums higher because you use more resources. So my insurance company has to charge me more in order to pay for your care. So yes, you eating poorly does affect me.

Another argument is that “healthy people” have contracted and passed away due to COVID, ones with no co-morbidities or underlying health conditions. Is this true? Yes. Is it statistically probable? No. And here starts the next journey; Statistical analysis of data.

Americans have become so lazy, that they no longer seek the truth. They rely on convenient snippets of information and don’t care to know much more than the headline. It used to be if someone was running through the streets saying “The sky is falling!” People would look up, then realize, this is a crazy person, and they would move along with their lives. But in our technology saturated world, people look to their digital devices as if they were the town sage and don’t bother to engage in critical thought or logic.

What does this mean for you?
Your local government may make vaccinations mandatory as a condition of employment or school attendance.

What can you do?
Know who you are voting for on election day. Research local school board, board of supervisors, and other political candidates. If you live in the Powhatan district of WJCC, learn more about school board candidate, Tye Lageman.

If you’d like to know more than just what’s on the surface, I suggest https://openvaers.com/. “VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (see the Lazarus Report) of vaccine injuries. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at vaers.hhs.gov. The OpenVAERS Project allows browsing and searching of the reports without the need to compose an advanced search.

Become informed. Don’t let bullies make a lifelong decision for you. Think about the lifelong effects this may have on your children. And if you see me in a grocery store, please move along.

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Copyright ©2020 WJCC VOICE

WJCC Voice covers Williamsburg, James City County and York County in Virginia.