WJCC Voice

What The Local News Means To You

Since we are all on the road together . . .
April 13, 2020
Over the past few weeks, more people have been walking and biking around their neighborhoods as a way to be part of their community without actually coming in contact with people. As someone who exercises regularly outside it's nice to see so many people taking advantage of this extra time and improving their health by […]
County Government’s Use of Small Business Tax Income Under Scrutiny
April 9, 2020
With an unprecedented pandemic, local governments are struggling to meet the needs of their small business community. In reality, the only thing they are capable of is providing links to other organizations who may be able to help. Even though these government organizations exist mostly due to tax revenue generated by small business in the […]
You snooze, you lose.
April 6, 2020
Small business owners were looking for a lifeline. It appeared as if they had received one when the Small Business Administration announced the Paycheck Protection Program. From the SBA's website: "The Paycheck Protection Program is a loan designed to provide a direct incentive for small businesses to keep their workers on the payroll. SBA will […]
Who is hiring?
April 3, 2020
If you've been furloughed and don't know how long you will be out of a job, the WYDaily put together a list of businesses who are hiring! Employers WalMart: Apply here. Target: Apply here. Harris Teeter: Apply here. Kroger: Apply here. Aldi: Apply here. Domino’s Pizza: Apply here. Hardee’s: Apply here. Costco: Apply here. Amazon: […]
What every student should see
November 14, 2018
Learn how to read.  Learn how to write.  Learn how to think. A great video by Jordan Petersen that every student should see.    
EZPass or Else
November 9, 2018
A few months back I had to drive down to Norfolk for an appointment.  My GPS rerouted me to avoid traffic so I ended up going through the Downtown Tunnel where “Pay-by-Plate” is active.  If you do not have an EZ Pass to pay tolls on Virginia Highways, you either pay cash, debit or in […]
Why is my child’s school sending me this?
August 24, 2018
Imagine my surprise when I open my email to find an invitation from my daughter's high school to attend an event entitled: "“Women Out-Loud! The Gendered Landscape of Islamic Performance”. Wait, what? Yes, our tax dollars are being used to send out blast emails to parents in our school district to attend a lecture / […]

Copyright ©2020 WJCC VOICE

WJCC Voice covers Williamsburg, James City County and York County in Virginia.